MgA. Olga Věra Cieslarová, Ph.D.


Telefon: +420 773 196c619

Konzultační hodiny / Office hours: po předchozí dohodě emailem / by prior arrangement through email



Odborné zaměření / Research Interests

• symbolické a rituální performance ve veřejném prostoru / symbolic and ritual performances in public space

• karneval Fasnacht (Švýcarsko, Basilej) a Sametové posvícení (Praha) / Fasnacht Carnival (Switzerland, Basel) and Velvet Carnival (Prague)  


Odborný životopis / CV

2018-2023 Junior Researcher for Festivities, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, project KREAS: European Regional Development Fund-Project „Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World),

2021-2022 Visiting lecturer at Universität Basel (Abteilung für Religionswissenschaft), research on Fasnacht during the pandemic and Gastforschende Schweizer National Fond

Since 2012 Founder and chairman (2012-2020) of the civic organisation (Iniciativa FÓR_UM) focusing on promotion of Czech NGOs and other civic groups by establishing a modern (ritual) tradition commemorating the fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989 through a masked satirical promenade inspired by Fasnacht in Basel (Switzerland) - Velvet Carnival,

Since 2008 Manager by Pragkontakt, a Czech-german travel and educational project in Prague, 


Vzdělání / Education

1999 – 2002 Evangelical Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague

2002 – 2005 Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Bc. thesis: Tertullians Critique of Theater and Games in the Context of 3rd Century Christianity

2007-2018 Academy of Performing Arts, Theatre Faculty, Prague, Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy (KATaP), MgA. thesis: Fasnacht – the Carnival Tradition of Basel in Switzerland. Since 2011 long-term fieldwork in Basel

2018 Ph.D. thesis Doctor degree in Art Studies, How the anger Dances in the streets of Prague and Basel, Satire in the Public Space and The Role of Today´s Carnevalesque Rituals at the example of Prague Velvet Carnival and Basel Fasnacht 


Publikace / Publications

Monograph (Czech) - Fasnacht - V Basileji karneval? (trans. Fasnacht - a carnival in Basel?) Praha: AMU 2012


Articles (english)

” Beneath the Laarve: Masking during the Basel Carnival of Fasnacht (Faasnacht)” (with. M. Pehal and W. Kern), Journal of Material Culture, 0 (2023:2),

”Tradition and Innovation: Fasnacht of Basel in the time of Covid Pandemy” – in progress

"Second-Order Liminality: Dynamics of Ritual Change in the Basel Fasnacht. " (with Radek

Chlup), Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (2020:2), 276-313.

„The Feast of the Baer in Basel (Switzerland) - A New Ritual in a Traditional Context“, (with M. Pehal), Dec 2020, published on

"Corporeality as a Key to the Assessment of the Dynamics of Ritualization" (with M. Pehal), Yearbook for Liturgical and Ritual Studies/Jaarboek voor Liturgie-Onderzoek (2011): 67–85


Articles (czech)

„Fasnacht, karnevalová bitva u Rýna“, Dingir 24.2/2021, 55-57.

„Svátek medvěda“ (s M. Pehal), Dingir 22.3 (2019), 89–91.

“Dynamika rituálních změn v Basilejské Fasnacht” (with R. Chlup), in Religio 26.2 (2018): 133–166.

- “Koany a paradoxní vyjádření v náboženském kontextu" in Horáček, F. - Schmidt, N. (eds.): Salvatoria. Sborník pro prof. Tomáše Halík. Praha: Česká křesťanská akademie, 2008, p. 105-118.

- “Basilej, město ve stavu výjimky", Hybris DAMU XI (2011): 39-42.

- s M. Machková, “Maska namísto transparentu? Teatralita ve formulování občanských názorů a co na to média.” in Satira.Maska.Happening, Prague: Make*Details 2013, p. 14-41.

- „Chvála zlosti - satira jako kreativní transformace negativních emocí" in Satira.Maska.Happening, Praha: Make*Details 2013, p. 50-73.

- „Karl Meuli by se smál. O máskách v Basilejské fasancht” in M. Čunderle (eds.) To so mi různý otázky, Prague: DAMU, 2012, p. 11-34.

- “Distance masky" in P. Zvěřina (ed.), Teritoria umění,Prague: NAMU, 2015, s.156-176.



- dramaturgy of film Beneath the Mask, there is Darkness – Fasnacht of Basel and Velvet Carnival of Prague (2018), director: Viola Ježková. Film is based on my fieldwork (


Příspěvky na konferencích / Participation at Conferences

„From the Basler Fasnacht to the Velvet Carnival“ and workshop „Velvet

Carnevalization“, both together with M. Pehal at Ritual Creativity Conference, Freiburg (Switzerland), 19-22.6. 2022

“Basler Fasnacht in Zeit der Pandemie”, Studientag "Religion, Ritual und Basler Fasnacht”,  Augst (Switzerland), 8.4.2022, as well main organiser of Symposium. 

„From Ritual to Museum – FasNicht carnival of Basel“ at 2nd Symposium on Public Festivity - Ritualising in the Times of the Corona, Prague, 29.–30.5. 2021, as well main organiser of Symposium.

“Velvet Carnival: Germinator of Democracy”, Play and Democracy Conference, Prague, 24–26.6.2019 

“Velvet Carnival: What Makes it Go?!”, 1st Symposium on Public Festivities: What Makes

Them Go?, Prague, 5.11.2019 - as well main organiser of Symposium.

"Artistic dinner on Satire in Public Space - Velvet Carnival”, Academy of Sciences and Academy of Performing Arts - Performance Philosophy conference, Prague, 22.-25.6.2017

“The Ludic Stance - Artistic research in Theory and Practice”, The Academy of Performing Arts: "Play as Socio-political Event”, Prague, 17. Sep. 2016

-“Velvet Carnival - the Satirical Ritual in the Public Space of Prague” and  

“Play of Symbols: New Skin for the Old Celebration of the Velvet Revolution”, Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio (USA), 19.–22.11.2016

"Karl Meuli Might Cheer - On the Role of Masks in the Present Basler Fasnacht”, 7th International Conference of Doctoral Studies in Theatre Practice and Theory, Brno, 20.-21.11. 2015

“V-Effekt B. Brechta a distance Masky v Basilejské Fasnacht, Teritoria umění AMU, Praha, 4.11.2015

"Zwischen den Zeilen lesen - Satire in Tschechischen Märchen in der Zeit der Totalität", Schweizerische Märchengesellschaft, Basilej (Switzerland), 8.11.2012

“Corporeality as a Key to the Assessment of the Dynamics of Ritualisation” with M. Pehal, Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual International Conference, Heidelberg (Germany), 29.9.–2.10.2008


Granty a studijní pobyty / Scholarships and study stays abroad

2011-2023 terénní výzkum Fasnacht v Basileji / field-research ons Fasnacht in Basel

2022 Gastforchende Wissenschaftler, Universität Basel (Switzerland), Projekt Ritualtheoretische und religionsaisthetische Analysen zur Basler Fasnacht (inklusive

Feldforschung in dem von der Covid-Pandemie geprägten Zeitraum), Schweizer Nationalfond`

2008 study-intership at Karl Ruprecht Universität Heidelberg (Germany)

2006 study-intership at Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherland) by prof. Ronald L. Grimes (Ritual Lab)

2005 study-intership at Karl Ruprecht Universität Heidelberg (Germany)


Členství v odborných organizacích / Membership in professional associations

• Projekt Dokumentation Basler Fasnacht

• Basler Fasnachtswelt