
During the 24/25 school year, we've already had two PhD students--Patrick Keenan and Vladimir Lukić--successfully defend their dissertations....
This week, two of our PhD students--Matti Syiem and Aneta Kohoutová--successfully defended their dissertations! On August 26th, Matti presented...
Applications are now open for a PhD scholarship in Philosophy Deadline: 30 September 2024.  Duration: 4 years...
Applications are open for a new position: Research Fellow (Sociology and/or Social Anthropology of Digital Media Cultures) in Professor John...
We cordially invite you to apply for the following position.  Position: Early Career Postdoctoral Fellow Duration: 2 years...
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University is looking for assistant professor! Job title: Assistant Professor...
Applications are now open for a new position: Research Fellow (Moral and/or Social Philosophy) in Professor John Lippitt's ERC-CZ project "Combatting...
On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation launched an invasion of Ukraine. With the recent geopolitical developments, Department of...
There is a crack, a crack, in everything. That’s how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen On 9 February, the Karolinum of Charles...
A new call for internal grants was just published. We want to support students of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Centre for...