Lukáš de la Vega Nosek, Ph.D.



Office: 10023, building G

Office hours: Tuesday 9:00-9:50 or by prior arrangement through email


Research interests

Islamological propedeutics (methodology, theory, Islamology and religious studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies); Islamology (philosophy and theology; contemporary approaches to the Qur'an; contemporary literature);  Arab Christianity (prosopography and theology of 8th-13th century Arab Christian authors); Interreligious dialogue (philosophy of interreligious dialogue; Christian-Muslim dialogue in history); Religious studies (religion as anthropomorphism: L. Feuerbach, S. E. Guthrie, O. A. Funda); Postcolonial studies


Professional experience

since 2022: Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Pardubice (externally)

since 2019: Department of Studies in Culture and Religion, University of Hradec Králové (internally)

since 2019: Ecumenical Institute, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University (externally)

since 2018: Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University (internally)

2017–2019: Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University (internally)



2012-2014: study of Modern Standard Arabic, Islamology and Interreligious Dialogue, Dar Comboni for Arabic Studies, Cairo (BAS., 2014)

2011-2012: study of Modern Standard Arabic and Introduction to Islamology, Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d´Islamistica, Rome

2011-2012:  study of Modern Standard Arabic and Introduction to Islamology, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome

2007-2011: Th.D. (since 2021 used as Ph.D.) in Catholic theology, specialization in Dogmatic theology: licentiate of theology (ThLic., 2009), Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University

2002-2007: M.A. in Catholic Theology, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University


Internships and study stays abroad

2014-2016: study of Modern Standard Arabic, Islamology and Interreligious Dialogue, Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d´Islamistica, Rome

2009-2010: study of Teologie Orientale, one-year study scholarship from the Renovabis Foundation, status "studente ospite" (visiting student), Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Rome



  *   Ecclesia cum aestimatione quoque Muslimos respicit. Studie z křesťanské islamologie, Praha - Chomutov: nakl. L. Marka - HTF UK a edici Pontes Pragenses, 2022 [v tisku]

  *   Když je Alláh člověku blíže než jeho tepna krční. Studie z islamologie [připravovaná monografie pro nakl. P. Mervart - PdF UHK, 2023]

  *   Theodor Abú Qurra a jeho Traktát o svobodě (Majmar fí al-hurríja). Úvodní studie a částečný překlad, in: Parrésia. Revue pro východní křesťanství / A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 15 (2021) 109-137

  *   Od Jordánu k Eufratu: Antonín Rauh al-Quraší (z. 799), konvertita z vybraného muslimského rodu křesťanským mučedníkem, in: Parrésia. Revue pro východní křesťanství / A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 15 (2021) 67-91

  *   Téma občanství (muwátana) jaký výzva islámské jurisprudenci, in: LÁŠEK, Jan Blahoslav – VEVERKOVÁ, Kamila – BRAVENÁ, Noemi (eds), Migrace v dějinách – výzva a aktuální problémy I., Chomutov: L. Marek, 2021, s. 38-55

  *   Křesťanská víra pod palbou rozumu: ʻAlí b. Jahjá b. Al-Munadždžim (z. 888) a jeho důkaz pravdy islámu, in: Theologická revue, 91 (2020) č. 2, s. 208-224.