Internal Grants

Who is supported by the grant?

We want to support students of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Centre for Ethics included) in their research activities (writing PhD./MA thesis, writing research papers).

Who can apply?

All PhD. candidates and all students of MA programme at The Department of Philosophy and Religious studies (not only those studying in the daily mode, but also in the combined mode of study).

What is the nature of the research project?

Research activity will consist either in a substantial progress in writing PhD./MA thesis (finished chapter or chapters), or in writing a paper for a peer-reviewed journal, or in a combination of these two activities.

Projects that include commitment to apply for external financing (that is: Czech or international grants, mobility projects, etc.) will also be prioritized. 

The grants support individual students, the project period is from April 1 to December 31 (it can be shorter)

How much is the funding?

Each applicant can receive maximum of 90.000 CZK as a stipend (max. 10.000/month).

How to apply?

Application form is to be submitted via email to by February 28th. Applicants have to consult their application with their supervisors. The grant committee will notify the successful applicants by March 31st. The successful applicants will submit the interim report (by September 15th for the period April–August) and the final report (by January 15th 2026).


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