Telephone: 739 431 833
Location: 05 023, building G
Office hours: by prior arrangement through email
Research interests
Ancient philosophy (particularly Plato and skepticism), AI, and ethics.
Professional experience
since 2021 – head of Department of Philosophy and religious studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice
since 2020 – assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Pardubice
since 2017 – researcher, Department of Philosophy, University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value)
2017–2020 – project manager, Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice
2015 – 2017 – the manager of the AMU Press in Prague
1/2010–12/2010 – grant projects advisor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University in Prague
2008 – 2012 – fundraising manager, Cesta domů (NGO providing palliative care)
2007 – 2008 – head of the library of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Charles University in Prague
2010 – 2018 Ph.D. in Systematic Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
2005 – 2008 Mgr. in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
2001 – 2005 Bc. in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Study stays abroad
2/2014 – 6/2014 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany
2/2013 – 6/2013 Bibliothèque nationale de France, France
9/2005 – 12/2005 Department of Philosophy, University of Glasgow, UK
Ondřej Krása, František Špinka (eds.). Péče o duši: Sborník k životnímu jubileu Štěpána Špinky [Care for the Soul: Festschrift in Honour of Štěpán Špinka]. OIKOYMENH: Praha, 2024.
Time and Creation in the Timaeus. In Kilgallon, Silvie, and Fiona Mitchell, eds. 2024. Time and Chronology in Creation Narratives. London: Routledge: 27–38.
Time of Change in Plato and Aristotle. in History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2): 232–52.
„Two Concepts of a Lie: Václav Havel on Living in a Communist Regime". in Niklas Forsberg and Ulrika Björk (eds.), The Dissident, special issue of Filosofický časopis. 2022, p. 50–67. Open acess.
„Bodies and Space in the Timaeus“. in Chad Jorgenson, Filip Karfik and Stepan Spinka (eds.). Plato’s Timaeus: Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense. Leiden/Boston 2020, p. 131–148. Open access.
„Sókratés a bohové“ [Socrates and gods]. in Jinek, J. (et. al.). Platónova Obrana Sókrata. Praha 2016, p. 118–129.
„Nutnost a účelnost v Platónově Timaiovi“ [Necessity and Teleology in Plato’s Timaeus]. Aithér. 2014, vol. VI, No. 11, p. 6–19.
„Štěstí lze dosáhnout jen jakoby náhodou: etická intepretace skepticismu Sexta Empirika“ [Happiness can be achieved only as if by accident: an ethical interpretation of Sextus Empiricus’ skepticism]. In Špinka, Š. (et al.). Přístupy k etice I. Praha 2014, p. 119–142. [Revised version of previously published article "Sladká nevědomost ..."]
Ondřej Krása (ed.). Smrt a umírání v náboženských tradicích současnosti. [Death and dying in the contemporary religious traditions] Cesta domů: Praha, 2010.
„Sladká nevědomost: Sextos Empeirikos o lidském štěstí“ [Sweet Ignorance: Sextus Empiricus on human happiness]. Reflexe. 2009, No. 36, p. 3–22.
„Ontologie a dějinnost: Technická civilizace v Kacířských esejích“ [Ontology and Historicity: Technical civilisation in Heretical Essays]. in Teze ke Kacířským esejím Jana Patočky, Praha 2007.
Broadie, S. Nature and divinity in Plato’s Timaeus. Reflexe. 2016, No. 51, p. 194–200.
Karfík, F. Duše a svět. Auriga. Vol. LI, 2009, p. 155–157.
Kalaš, A. Raný pyrrhonismus neboli blažený život bez hodnot?. Reflexe. 2008, No. 35, p. 89–95.
2017 – 2022 „Centre for ethics as study in human value“, Project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000425 in OP RDE, project team member.
2013 – 2014 „Příčina světa v dialogu Timaios“ [The cause of the world in Timaeus] (Internal grant of the Faculty of Arts, UK).
2007 „Skepticismus jako životní postoj: Filosofie Sexta Empeirika“ [Skepticism as a life attitude: Sextus Empiricus’ philosophy] (Specific research at the Faculty of Arts, UK).
since 2014 – member of the Czech Plato Society (2021 – president, 2019–2021 vice-president, since 2016 member of audit committee)
since 2018 – member of International Plato Society
since 2018 (also 2013-2016) – member of the board of Cesta domu (NGO, mobile hospice)