Mgr. Matouš Mokrý


Telephone: +420 603 590 053
Office room: no. 10023, building G
Office hours: Monday 14:30-15:30

Research interests
Modern Western esotericism (especially Satanism and Left-Hand Path); Liberation and transgression in modern Western esotericism; Religions of the Ancient Near East

Professional experience
2024–today – Assistant, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice
2023–today – Researcher I, Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (OP JAK CoRe, CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004595)
2022–today – Executive editor of the journal Sacra
2019–2020 – Student research assistant, Institute of Comparative Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (NAKI II DG16P02M022)
2018–2019 – Student research assistant, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (GA ČR 18-03708S)
2018–2022 – Student assistant, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2017–today –Editorial board member of the journal Sacra

2022 – today – Ph.D. study, programme Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. Thesis Historical Development of Antinomianism in the Left-Hand Path Current of Western Esotericism: Social Construction of the Adversarial
2019–2022 – M.A. in Egypt and the Ancient Near East, specialisation Assyriology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Thesis: Voces Magicae in Earlier Mesopotamian Incantation Tradition: Poetics, Function and Sitz im Leben
2016–2019 – BA, History and Culture of Ancient Eastern Mediterranean – Religious studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Thesis: Krvavá zvířecí oběť v Left-Hand Path a satanském milieu: Případová studie autora N.A-A.218

2024 – principal investigator; Studentská vědecká odborná činnost v religionistice: Rozvoj odbornosti i popularizace v roce 2024 (MUNI/A/1508/2023)
2023–2024 – team member; Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe; CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004595)
2023 – principal investigator; Studentská vědecká činnost v religionistice: Od odbornosti po popularizaci (MUNI/A/1337/2022)

2023. „Two Previously Unedited Early Dynastic Incantations from CUSAS 32 1, Presumably against Scorpions“, Aula Orientalis 41/2, 269–277. Open Access.
2023. Ed. s Hodes, A & Menšíková, T. Sacra 21/2. Náboženství, moc a politika.
2022. Ed. s Válek, F. Sacra 19/1. Bohové, démoni a lidé východního Středomoří ve starověku.
2016. „Kontrakulturní tvorba Thursatrú: Black metal coby model tvorby náboženské identity v chaos-gnosticismu“, Sacra 14/2, 18–36. Open Access.

2024. „Review of Traditionalism: The Radical Project for Restoring Sacred Order, by Mark Sedgwick. Oxford University Press, 2023 Pb. 423 pp.“, International Journal for the Study of New Religions 12/2, 264–268. Open Access.
2019. „Recenze knihy Hugh B. Urban: Magia Sexualis: Sex, magie a osvobození v moderním západním esoterismu, Malvern, Praha 2018“, Dingir 22/4, 143–144.
2017. „Recenze knihy Introvigne, M. (2016). Satanism: A Social History. Leiden: Brill, 668 s“, Sacra 15/2, 117–120. Open Access.

Other outputs
2023. „Animal Sacrifice in the Left-Hand Path and the Negotiations of Antinomianism and Respectability“, The 9th Biennial Conference of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism: Western Esotericism and Practice, Malmö, 26.–28. 6. 2023.
2023. „SatanCon 2023: Protesty zevnitř i zvenčí“, Náboženský infoservis, 1. 6. 2023 [online;].
2023. „70 let od narození runového mága a okultního teoretika Stephena E. Flowerse“, Náboženský infoservis, 5. 5. 2023 [online;].
2022. „Unholy Alliances: Preliminary Remarks on the Esoteric Interaction with Black Metal“, Metal and Religion, Brno, 7.–8. 9. 2022.
2021. „Can Occult Books Be Still Powerful? Fine Editions and Strategies of Regaining Value of Esoteric Printed Publications“, 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, Pisa, 30. 8.–3. 9. 2021
2020. „Plánovaný teroristický útok v režii satanistické skupiny“, Náboženský infoservis, 13. 7. 2020 [online;