Topics and requirements of the bachelor admission exam
Study programme: B6101 Philosophy
Study field: Philosophy 6101R004
Mode of study: full-time
Length of study, academic title: 3 years, Bc.
The admission exam consists only in an interview:
The Department of Philosophy cancelled the written form of the admission exam. The admission exam consists only in an oral interview during which the applicant proves his or her interest in the chosen field (on the basis of his or her proposed list of philosophical literature) and the ability to discuss his or her philosophical reading. The applicant will offer the reading list consisting of philosophically relevant primary literature to the committee during the oral exam. Alternatively he or she can include some of the introductions in philosophy listed below or some primary literature from the domain of other social sciences or humanities.
Concrete criteria and conditions for the admission to the study of the given programme/field:
The applicant can receive maximum 50 points. The minimal number of points sufficient for the admission is 31. The applicants will be accepted according to their point counts up to the total number of 40.
Rules for the possible exemption from the admission exam:
Exemption from the admission exam is not possible.
It is necessary to submit the application either on the standard form or electronically. (for details see the link „Prospective students”)
Literature recommended for introduction to philosophy:
- Blecha, Ivan: Filosofie, nakladatelství Olomouc, novější vydání
- Bochenski, Joseph Maria: Cesty k filosofickému myšlení. Praha : Svoboda, 1994
- Fearn, Nicholas: Jak a o čem přemýšlejí filozofové. Praha : Portál, 2004
- Jaspers, Karl: Úvod do filosofie, Praha : Oikoymenh, 1996
- Kratochvíl, Zdeněk: Mýtus, filosofie, věda. Praha : Hrnčířství a nakladatelství Jůzovi, 1993, 1996
- Petříček, Miroslav: Úvod do (současné) filosofie. Praha : Herrmann a synové, 1997
- Tretera, Ivo: Nástin dějin evropského myšlení. Od Thaléta k Rousseauovi. Praha : 1999
- Edice Dějiny filosofie, nakladatelství Oikoymenh