doc. Filip Grygar, Ph.D.

Phone: +420 466 036 626
Office: 05 018, building G

Date and place of birth: January 1970, Frýdlant v Č.


  • 2021: Habilitation in Philosophy and History of Science and Technology“ (ZCU in Plzeň)
  • 2001–2008: Postgraduate student at Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague: Ph.D. (Dissertation thesis: Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Quantum Complementarity in the Philosophy of Science.)
  • 2006–2007: Department of Psychology at Faculty of Arts, Charles University: Accredited in life-long learning program, psychology as a subject at high schools.
  • 1994–2001: Graduate student at Department of Philosophy and Religion, Faculty of Arts, Charles University: Mgr. (= M.A.); including a state exams in Psychology and Pedagogy for Teachers. (Master thesis: Criticism of Galilean Science in Husserl's „Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology".)
  • 1988: Referee of the first class in Ice hockey in Czechoslovakia. 
  • 1984–1988: Construction engineering studies, high school in Liberec.

Academic Interests
• History of philosophy and science, mathematization of nature and technology.
• Scopes of hermeneutic phenomenology and complementarity in the methodology and philosophy of science and in general education
• Bohr’s philosophy of science (Czech website to Niels Bohr

Currently teaching
• Phenomenology
• Philosophy of science
• History of philosophy

2014: Komplementární myšlení Nielse Bohra v kontextu fyziky, filosofie a biologie (Complementary Thinking of Niels Bohr in the Context of Physics, Philosophy and Biology). Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, 432 pp.
2009: Grygar F. – Hajnal L. – Kleisner K. – Markoš A. – Neubauer Z., Life as Its Own Designer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Springer Verlag 2009, 212 pp.
2005: Kritika galileovské vědy v Husserlově Krizi evropských věd a transcendentální fenomenologii (Criticism of Galilean Science in Husserl’s Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology“), Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, 268 pp.

2011: Grygar F. – Hejduk T. – Hermann T. – Palouš R. – Pelcová N. – Prázný A., Úvod do filosofie – studijní texty pro učitele (Introduction to Philosophy – Study Texts for Teachers), Univerzita Pardubice, 272 pp., author of 4 chapters. 
2010: Grygar F. – Hejduk T. – Hermann T. – Palouš R. – Pelcová N. – Prázný A., Pracovní listy pro pedagogy (Work sheets for teachers), Univerzita Pardubice, author of 4 chapters.


Articles and Chapters

  • 2021: Bohrova epistemologická lekce kvantové teorie a fenomenologie. In: Daňková Z. – Kanócz R. (eds.): Mosty a řeka. Sborník Jiřímu Michálkovi k 80. narozeninám. Červený Kostelec, Pavel Mervart, pp. 313–369.
  • 2021: Bytostná role předporozumění u vybraných zakladatelů kvantové teorie. In: Teorie vědy, 43, 1, pp. 59–93. 
  • 2021: Ideová východiska kvantové teorie a Schrödingerova návštěva Kodaně v říjnu 1926. In. Čs. čas. fyz. č. 71, 1, pp. 56–63.
  • 2019: Odvrácená strana legendy: Otto Hahn v kontextu nacistického Německa. In: Teorie vědy, 41, 1, pp. 59–110.
  • 2019: Lise Meitnerová a Otto Frisch: Interpretace a ověření procesu jaderného štěpení. In: Čs. čas. fyz. 69, 6, pp. 441–446. 
  • 2019: Zneuznané role Lise Meitnerové na cestě k objevu jaderného štěpení. In: Čs. čas. fyz. 69, 5, pp. 334–340. 
  • 2019: Lise Meitnerová v kontextu rozvoje nukleárního výzkumu a vzestupu i pádu nacistického Německa. In: Čs. čas. fyz. 69, č. 3, pp. 203–210. 
  • 2019: Osmdesát let od objevu a interpretace jaderného štěpení (1938): Otto Hahn a tradovaná verze příběhu. In: Čs. čas. fyz. 69, č. 1, pp. 49–57. 
  • 2017: Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr a příběh kodaňské interpretace (Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr and the story of Copenhagen Interpretation). In. Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), 39, 2, pp. 207–238.
  • 2017: Bohr´s Complementarity Framework in Biosemiotics. In: Biosemiotics 10(1), 33-55. Springer Verlag.DOI: 10.1007/s12304-016-9281-4.
  • 2016: Komplementárně-fenomenologický přístup Nielse Bohra k fenoménu živého (Niels Bohr´s Complementary-Phenomenological Approach to the Phenomenon of the Living). In: Javorská A. - Kocinová L. - Wagnerová S. (eds.): (Meta)Filozofia - Prax, zborník vedeckých príspevkov. Bratislava, FÚSAV, p. 194–201.
  • 2015: K významu pročišťování nereflektovaných předpokladů z hlediska Heideggerova zamýšlejícího se myšlení a Platónova podobenství o úsečce (To a Meaning of the Clarification of Non-reflected Prerequisites from the Viewpoint of Heidegger’s Meditative thinking and Plato’s Simile of the Line). In: Kuděj, 2015, 16, 1-2, p. 138-153.
  • 2015: Idea university jako idea komplementarity. Od Martina Heideggera k Nielsi Bohrovi (The Idea of University as Idea of Complementarity. From Martin Heidegger to Niels Bohr). In: Chotaš, Prázný and Hejduk (eds.): Moderní univerzita: Ideál a realita  (Modern University: Ideal and Reality). Praha, Filosofia, p. 161–196. 
  • 2014: Niels Bohr, kodaňský duch a fyzikální institut (Niels Bohr, Copenhagen spirit and Physical Institute). In: Československý časopis pro fyziku 2/2014 (Czechoslovak Journal for Physics), p. 126–132.
  • 2013: Historická, filosofická a fyzikální reflexe Bohrova převratného pojednání z roku 1913 (Historical, philosophical and physical reflection of Bohr´s groundbreaking treatise in 1913). In: DVT – History of Sciences and Technology, No. 1, Vol. XLVI, Praha, p. 3–26.
  • 2013: Čermák, P – Grygar F., Niels Henrik David Bohr a konference ke 100. výročí jeho modelu atomu (Niels Henrik David Bohr and the conference to the 100th anniversary of his model of the atom). In: Československý časopis pro fyziku, sv. 63, č. 5, Praha (Czechoslovak Journal for Physics), p. 281–283.
  • 2012: Ke zrodu a pádu legendy o německých atomových vědcích, kteří z morálních důvodů nechtěli sestrojit atomovou bombu pro nacistické Německo (On Birth and Fall of the Legend about German Atomic Scientists who refused to construct atomic bomb for Nazi Germany for moral reasons). In: DVT – History of Sciences and Technology, No. 4, Vol. XLV, Praha, p. 251–271.
  • 2012: Bohrovo pojetí biologie – k padesátému výročí úmrtí Nielse Bohra (Bohr’s Conception of Biology – In Honour of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Death of Niels Bohr). In: Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 34, No. 4, Praha.
  • 2012: Možnosti Bohrova komplementárního rámce myšlení ve výuce (The Scopes of Bohr´s Complementarity Framework of Thinking in Education). In: Pedagogika, Vol. LXII, No. 3, Praha, pp. 305–316
  • 2012: Role Wernera Heisenberga v předválečném nacistickém Německu (Werner Heisenberg´s Role in Prewar Nazi Germany). In: Vesmír (Universe), Vol. 91, No. 10, Praha, pp. 604–607.
  • 2012: Werner Heisenberg v době nacistického Německa v kontextu odborné literatury a dokumentů (Werner Heisenberg in the Time of Nazi Germany in the Context of Scientific Papers and documents). In: Vesmír (Universe), Vol. 91, No. 9, Praha, pp. 532–538.
  • 2011: Patrick Aidan Heelan – Idea hermeneutické fenomenologie a kvantové logiky ve filosofii vědy (Patrick Aidan Heelan – The Idea of Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Quantum Logic in  the Philosophy of Science). In: Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 33, No. 4, Praha, pp. 517–530. 
  • 2011: Komplementarita kalkulující a kvalitativní deskripce (The Complementarity of the Calculative and Qualitative Description). In: Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 33, No. 2, Praha, pp. 271–297. 
  • 2009: Grygar F.– Hajnal L. – Kleisner K. –  Kratochvíl Z. – Markoš A. – Neubauer Z., Aut Moses, aut Darwin? (Chapter 8). In: Pranab Das (ed.), Global Perspectives on Science and Religion, Templeton Press (USA). 
  • 2007: Grygar F.– Hajnal L. – Kleisner K. –  Kratochvíl Z. – Markoš A. – Neubauer Z., Toward a Darwinian Biosemiotic, Life as Mutual Understanding (Chapter 10). In: Marcello Barbieri (ed.), Introduction to Biosemiotics, Springer Verlag Netherlands. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4814-9_10 
  • 2005: Motivy krize ve vědě u pozdního Rádla a Husserla (The Motives of Crisis in Science in Late Radl and Late Husserl). In: Hermann T. – Markoš A. (eds.), Emanuel Rádl – Scientist and Philosopher; Praha: Oikoymenh.

Translation to Czech

  • 2014: Bohr, N., Biology and Atomic Physics (Biologie a atomová fyzika)
  • Physical Science and the Problem of Life (Fyzikální věda a problém života)
  • Quantum Physics and Biology (Kvantová fyzika a biologie)
  • Physical Models and Living Organisms (Fyzikální modely a živé organismy)
  • Light and Life Revisited (Světlo a život znovu). In: Komplementární myšlení Nielse Bohra v kontextu fyziky, filosofie a biologie. Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, pp. 313–380.
  • 2014: Bohr, N., "Fyzikální modely a živé organismy" (Physical Models and Living Organisms). In: Československý časopis pro fyziku 2/2014 (Czechoslovak Journal for Physics), s. 132-133.
  • 2012: Bohr, N., „Světlo a život“ (Light and Life). In: Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 34, No. 4, Praha 2012, p. 381–390 
  • 2011: Heelan, P. A., „Po postmoderně: Možnosti hermeneutiky v přírodních vědách“ (After Post-Modernism: The Scope of Hermeneutics in Natural Science). In: Teorie vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 33, No. 4, Praha 2011, p. 531–560.


  • 2016: 3nd Czech-Spanish Colloquium - Conference: University, Science and Freedom, UIB, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Organized by Research group on modern and contemporary scientific and philosophical thought (F&C), 15 and 16 September. Contribution: "A few comments to the essence of technology".
  • 2015: Jazyk a fyzika, kolokvium pořádané FLÚ AV ČR (Language and Physics, colloquium in FLÚ AV ČR), 30 November. Contribution (in Czech): "Bohr’s Conception of Language".
  • 2015: V. slovenský filozofický kongres: (Meta)filozofia - prax (5th Slovakian philosophical Congress /Meta/philosophia - Practice, Bratislava 21 to 23 October. Contribution (in Czech): "Complementary Approach of Niels Bohr to the Phenomenon of the Living.A Phenomenological Interpretation."
  • 2015: 2nd Czech-Spanish Colloquium - Conference: Thinking University, UIB, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Organized by Research group on modern and contemporary scientific and philosophical thought (F&C), 10 and 11 September. Contribution: “N. Bohr and Phenomenology“.
  • 2015: Gathering in Biosemiotics, Copenhagen 30 June to 4 July, Aalborg University. Contribution: “A phenomenological Interpretation of Niels Bohr’s complementary Approach to the Phenomenon of the Living and its Application on mechanistic, biosemitic and hermeneutic Description“.
  • 2015: International scientific Conference, 6 to 7 May - Katedra filozofie FF UMB v Banskej Bystrici v spolupráci s Filozofickým ústavom SAV Bratislava, hotel Kráľova Studna. Contribution (in Czech): “Bohr’s Complementary Logic and Description of Phenomena - A phenomenological Interpretation“.
  • 2014: Conference to the 60th Birthday of Biologist and Philosopher Anton Markoš. March, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Charles University, Prague. Contribution (in Czech): "Bohr and Markoš’s Critics of the mechanistic apporach to the Phenomena of the Living".
  • 2013: Conference to the 100th Anniversary of Niels Bohr’s Model of Atom: Scientific, Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Bohr's Work. In cooperation with the Student Society Universitas. 24th September. Contribution (in Czech): "On the origin of Bohr’s complementary thinking".
  • 2012: Organization of student conference: Niels Bohr as a Scientist, Philosopher and Citizen, Pardubice, November. Inaugural lecture (in Czech): “Niels Bohr as a Scientist, Philosopher and Citizen“.
  • 2011: To know or not to know? Religious science and philosophy in education, Pardubice, May 31. Contribution (in Czech): “Philosophy as unobtrusive removal of unreflected presuppositions in complementary thinking“.
  • 2003: Emanuel Rádl – Scientist and Philosopher, Prague, February. Contribution (in Czech): “Motives of the Crisis in Science in Late Radl and Late Husserl“
  • 2003: Gatherings in Biosemiotics 3, Copenhagen, July. Contribution: “Hermeneutic Approach to the Phenomenon of the Living“.


  • 2016: Erasmus mobility, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), September(one week).
  • 2016: Churchill College - Cambridge, 16th - 20th April.
  • 2015: Erasmus mobility, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), September (one week).
  • 2014: Visiting Scholar at School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language sciences (sponsor Michela Massimi), The University of Edinburgh, June.
  • 2014: Visiting Scholar at Department of History and Philosophy of Science (sponsor Hasok Chang), Cambridge, February.
  • 2013: Visiting Scholar at Department of History and Philosophy of Science (sponsor Hasok Chang), Cambridge, June.
  • 2012: Erasmus mobility, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Philosophy and History of philosophy (Slovakia) – December (one week).
  • 2012: Niels Bohr Archive – November (one week).
  • 2012: LaL Torbay – English Courses – September.
  • 2011: Erasmus mobility, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Philosophy and History of philosophy (Slovakia) – December (one week).
  • 2010: Niels Bohr Archive – September (one week).

Invited lectures
• 2016: Vztah mezi fyzikou a filosofií (Relationship between Physics and Philosophy). In: Královehradecká diecéze Církve českoslovesnké husitské, 17 October. 
• 2016: Niels Bohr jako komplementární myslitel (N. Bohr as a complementary Thinker). In: Science Café - Broumov, 31 March.
• 2015: Aktuálnost sporu o univerzálie a vědecké entity (The topicality of universalia and scientific entity dispute). In mathematical conference. Střední škola automobilní, Ústí nad Orlicí, 5th November.
• 2015: Bohr's framework of complementarity in the light of Husserl's and Heidegger's phenomenology. In: Niels Bohr Institute, Organized by Niels Bohr Archive and co-sponsored by the Royal Danish Embassy in Prague, Copenhagen 21th September. 
• 2015: Niels Bohr v kontextu fyziky, filosofie a biologie (Niels Bohr in Context of Physics, Philosophy and Biology). In: Research Centre for Theory and History of Science. Západočeská Univerzita Plzeň. 30th March.
• 2015: Poznámky ke knize o Nielsi Bohrovi a dánskému televiznímu dokumentu z roku 1952. In: Katedra filosofie a dějin přírodních věd (Department of Philosophy and History of Science), PřF UK, 13th March. 
• 2014: Niels Bohr známý a neznámý (Niels Bohr known and unknown). In: CTS (Centrum for theoretical studies Prague), 16th October.
• 2014: Niels Bohr, Jeho život a interdisciplinární způsob myšlení (Niels Bohr, his life and cross-disciplinary way of thinking). In: Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků (Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists). 2th March, Pardubice University.
• 2013: Niels Bohr, jeho život a dílo. In: Filosofické problémy fyziky, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK (Philosophical Problems of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University), 28th  November.
• 2012: Filosoficko-dějinný nástin vzniku kvantové teorie vrcholící v Bohrově rámci komplementarity (Philosophical-historical Outline of Quantum Theory, culminating in the Context of Bohr's Complementarity). In: Science Café Pardubice, Club 29, 12th June.
• 2012: Bohrova idea komplementarity jako epistemologický rámec pro 21. století (Bohr's idea of complementarity as an epistemological framework for the 21st century). In Letní filosofická škola (Philosophical Summer School), Dub nad Moravou, 6th July.
• 2012: K roli Wernera Heisenberga v nacistickém Německu (The role of Werner Heisenberg in Nazi Germany). In: Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků (Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists). 26th April, Pardubice University.

Popular lectures and seminars for other universities and secondary schools, The Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, Week of Science and Technology at Academy of Sciences,  Science Café, Students of Universitas, students of University of the Third age, Way of Knowledge etc.

Studentská konference Vědění mladým


  • 2012–2014: grant project Bohr’s Complementary Approach to the Phenomenon of the Living. A Phenomenological Interpretation (Period: 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014. Grant No. P401/12/P280 of the Czech Science Foundation). Principal Investigator.
  • 2012–2014: The Idea of University (Grant No. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0270 of the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme) – Lector.
  • 2009–2011: An Educational Centrum for Study of Religions and Philosophy  (Grant No. CZ.1.07/1.3.12/01.0007 OP VK, č. PO2, OP 1.3) – Lector.
  • 2006-2007: (member of the research team) GPSS ID 10012: Body and Calculus in 20th Century Science. Principal Investigator: doc. RNDr. A. Markoš, CSc.

Other work experience

  • 2001–2012: Akademické gymnázium (secondary school) in Prague. Teacher of Humanities (Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Law, Politology, Philosophy), two years seminars from psychology, law and philosophy and organizer of Film Club. 
  • 2001–2002: Research assistant – Department of Human Science at Technical University in Prague.
  • 1996–2000: Night reception clerk in Radio Classic; nightporter
  • 1988–1995: Hodman and mason.
  • 1987–1990: Referee of Ice Hockey. 

Prizes and Awards

  • •2016: The Research, Development and Innovation Council, an advisory body to the Government of the Czech Republic, appraised the book Komplementární myšlení Nielse Bohra v kontextu fyziky, filosofie a biologie (Complementary Thinking of Niels Bohr in the Context of Physics, Philosophy and Biology) as one from excellent results of Science and Research in Czech Republic for year 2015.
  • 2015: A Laureate of Prize Josef Hlávka of Foundation Czech literary fond and Foundation of Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka for original scientific book in Czech Republic for year 2014 (Komplementární myšlení Nielse Bohra v kontextu fyziky, filosofie a biologie) from field of the Sciences about unanimate Nature.
  • 2015: A Prize of Dean of the Faculty of Arts at University of Pardubice for scientific work.
  • 2015: A Prize of Rector of the University of Pardubice for a prestigious monography.


Website in Czech:

Niels Bohr - Scientist, Philosopher and Citizen