Humanity in the Era of Specialized Knowledge and Science
2/8/2019, University of Pardubuce (building EB)
Organizer: Filip Grygar
Students conference Think!+ 2019, fifith year
24/5/2019, Universita of Pardubice (building G)
Orgnizers: Vojtěch Janů, Aneta Květinová, Pavlína Tomášová
19th Annual Meeting of the Collegium Politicum
24-25/5/2019, University of Pardubice
The Place of Comenius in the History of European Metaphysical Thought
13-14/11/2018, University of Pardubice
Organizers: Věra Schifferová, Vojtěch Balík, Jana Stejskalová, Adriana Bečková
Students conference Think!, fourth year
31/5-1/6/2018, University of Pardubice (nám. Čs. legií)
Organizers: Vojtěch Janů, Aneta Květinová, Pavlína Tomášová
Topics in Spanish Philosophy II
10-11/5/2018, University of Pardubice
Organizers: Jana Stejskalová, Adriana Bečková
Students conference Think!, third year
14/12/2017, historical building of University of Pardubice (nám. Čs. legií)
Organizers: Vojtěch Janů, Aneta Květinová
Workshop Love, Forgiveness and Reconciliation
together with the King's College London
2nd September 2016, King's College London
Organizers: Tony Milligan, Kamila Pacovska
5th Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good
Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
14-16th July 2016, Akademic conference center
Organizers: Marína Barabas, Christopher Cowley
Czech-Spanish philosophical conference Topics in Spanish Philosophy
30-31/5/2016, Pardubice
Organizers: Adreana Bečková, Jana Stejskalová
Students conference Think!, second year
11/5/2016, Klub Divadla 29
Organizers: Vojtěch Janů, Aneta Květinová, Pavlína Stoupová, FIlip Zrno
Česká otázka a dnešní doba
- ke 120. výročí vydání Masarykovy České otázky; program
3-4/11/2015, Pardubice Chateau
Organizují: Aleš Prázný, Jan Svoboda
Conference: Love and the Good
24th-26th September 2015, Pardubice Chateau
Organizers: Tomáš Hejduk, Tony Milligan, Kamila Pacovská
Symposium II: Ethical Values and Emotions, Central and Eastern European Ethical Network
together with the Department of Philosophy and Patrology CMTF, Palacký University
28th-30th May 2015, Olomouc
Organizers: Martin Cajthaml, Kamila Pacovská, Vlastimil Vohánka
Students conference Think!
18/5/2015, Klub Divadla 29
Organizers: Vojtěch Janů, Markéta Kiššová, Aneta Květinová, Pavlína Stoupová
4th Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good
together with the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
23-25th July 2014, Akademic conference center, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Organizers: Marína Barabas, Kamila Pacovská
Postgraduate Conference Dějiny a současnost české filosofie
20-21st May 2014, Pardubice
Organizers: Milan Cmár, Michaela Poskočilová, Naděžda Ságnerová, Pavlína Stoupová
Conference to the 100th Anniversary of Niels Bohr's Model of Atom: Přírodovědné, historické a filosofické aspekty Bohrova raného díla [Scientific, Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Bohr's early Work.]
In Collaboration with the Student Association Universitas
24th September 2013, Divadlo 29, Pardubice
Organizer: Filip Grygar
Mezinárodní workshop: Love and its Objects
18-20th July 2013, Pardubice
Organizers: Tomáš Hejduk, Kamila Pacovská
Graduate conference to the 50th Aniversary of the death of Niels Bohr: Niels Bohr jako vědec, filosof a občan
[Niels Bohr as a Scientist, Philosopher and Citizen]
20/11/2012, Klub 29, Pardubice
Organizer: Filip Grygar
Conference: Komenský – myslitel harmonie
[Comenius – Thinker of Harmony]
in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Organizers: Aleš Prázný, Věra Schifferová, Kateřina Šolcová
Konference „Idea univerzity v dnešní době“
[The Idea of University in the Present Age]
09/11/2010 - 10/11/2010
Organizers: Tomáš Hejduk, Aleš Prázný
Konference „Smysl filosofie ve vzdělávání“ [The Meaning of Philosophy in Education]
Organizer: Tomáš Hejduk
Komeniologická konference
[The Comeniological Conference]
11/11/2008 - 12/11/2008
In cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Organizers: Aleš Prázný, Věra Schifferová