There is a crack, a crack, in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen
On 9 February, the Karolinum of Charles University hosted the official launch of the 5-year project Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe), of which the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice is a part.
The aim of the conference was to comprehensively present the motivations, scope, interdisciplinary nature, and, importantly, practical applications. In addition to conventional scientific outputs, such as presentations at conferences or scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, the project will also offer "evidence-based" documents for legislators, curricula for school courses, or educational programs in the form of games. All of the outputs aim to help Czech society build resilience to crises such as climate change, nuclear war, or growing political polarization.
The project comprises 9 "research work packages", bringing together approximately 200 researchers from a total of 10 major Czech scientific institutions. Among the members of the project we can find philosophers, sociologists, religious studies, but also programmers, mathematicians or lawyers.
The conference was also attended by representatives of the European Commission, the International Council for Science, and Czechia’s Ministry of Education and Sports. The Ministry (MŠMT) is funding the project with CZK 500,000,000, making it one of 26 excellent scientific research projects currently underway in the Czech Republic.
The project involves the following members of Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice:
Mgr. Silvia Caprioglio Panizza, Ph.D.