Applications Open: PhD scholarship in philosophy to work on Prof. John Lippitt's ERC-CZ project "Combatting Self-Righteousness"

Applications are now open for a PhD scholarship in Philosophy

Deadline: 30 September 2024. 

  • Duration: 4 years
  • Disicpline: Philosophy
  • Start Date: 1 February 2025
  • Monthly Stipend: 35 000 CZK (approx. 1400 EUR), not subject to taxation. 


Combatting self-righteousness: a vice of the digital age” (ERC CZ Grant No. LL2308 (MŠMT)) is a prestigious five-year research project led by Professor John Lippitt and based at the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice. The scholarship here advertised will fund a competitive full-time PhD studentship that will contribute to the goals of this project. The successful applicant will be given academic and administrative support to pursue their research within the bounds of the project and the opportunity to participate in the Centre’s lively PhD community. We especially welcome candidates with a strong academic record who are keen to pursue research on or related to one or more of the following topics:

  • vices and virtues in digital environments
  • collective/group vices and virtues
  • moralism
  • other vices relevant to self-righteousness (e.g. pride, hypocrisy, closed-mindedness)
  • epistemic/affective bubbles and echo chambers
  • moral grandstanding/virtue-signalling
  • the ethics of anger
  • ethical aspects of polarization
  • moral criticism and the ethics of social punishment

For more information about this project and position (including eligibility requirements and instructions for applicants), please go to: